she is having some troubles with life. she is waking up at four o`clock in the morning just to call her boyfriend. when they talk it`s not strawberries and and whipped cream, the thing is that it`s just the opposite of what it should be. this has been going on for several weeks now. she wakes up to think about him, she does the dishes and yet thinks about him.. she has got children but they have advanced into the backround. even when she is putting her children to sleep she is thinking about him and when everybody is tucked in right she will covertly make her move towards her cellphone with the hopes of hearing his voice again. so she has grabbed the cellphone and is about to type in those six numbers that have abrased into her brain. ooh, must certainly we can not forget the booz that she has brought with her on the balcony, you see she thinks that booz has a way of helping her out but yet there hasn`t been any changes involved. so she is making her way out on the balcony but just before pressing down the doorknob she sees a remote control which she quickly grabs and maximises the volume so that her children do not hear mommy yelling. out on the balcony everything seems to be fine until she begins screaming and yelling at her boyfriend saying that he is not good enough for her etc. this screaming normally lasts for 2h( if we are lucky).
but you see, the biggest problem is that this "mature" woman is living in a flat which just happens to by in the same flat where i live and suprise suprise.. this gets even better knowing that her balcony is just above my room. so here is the thing, i couln`t get any sleep tonight because the maximised stereo was playing the whole night and it slightly felt like my bed was in the same room with my good neigbour here.
so how do we live out this "crazy love" that makes us act like morons?
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