we build a highly strict prison into our thougts that every day remembers us about our failures. this is a very common way for people to get themselves down or more down then they actually are. we have many thoughts going on about our actions like" why should anybody need me. i am capable of nothing. i have always been lazy and disordered.i am such an ego, just like my grandmother told me. im not beatiful " etc. it`s exactly those kind of sentences that make living extremly hard for us. is this because we have grown up in a protestant culture where self-critisism is a virtue and self-satisfaction a sin or can some of us blame our parents who told us that we are vain, careless, stupid and reckless. the more parents divert their children the stricter becomes their prison, so in the end it`s really hard for them to understand that they are worthy a lot more then they are getting. human beings can be strong and evolve their personalities if they get support and are surrounded with positive atmosphere. we can compare this shit with smoking, the non-smokers exhale fresh air but being around smokers they inhale tobacco.. but what the fuck about the smokers? the negative thoughts just have a way of finding their way into our brains
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